There's nothing quite like having a beautiful and luxurious carpet in your home. The look and feel of fresh carpets is like an invitation to sit down and relax. Smart homeowners use a green carpet cleaning service to keep their carpet looking fresh. But what do you do in between carpet cleaning sessions? Try these carpet cleaning tips to keep carpets looking as fresh as possible.
It may be a pain to ask guests to remove their shoes prior to entering the house, but it's good for your carpets. Shoes track outside dirt onto carpets. Make a place at your entryway for people to sit and remove their shoes. Another good option is to keep a heavy doormat outside of the door. Even if it's not possible to get everyone to remove their shoes, they can at least thoroughly wipe their shoes before entering the home.
Repeat trips across a carpet can grind dirt and debris from the surface deeper into the fibers. This gives carpets a worn out look, and contributes to the dreaded "traffic lane" look. This is why it is important to remove surface dirt and debris before it goes deeper into the carpet. Going over a carpet once or twice a week with a vacuum helps pull out loose dirt and debris. Less dirt also means less This will allow your green carpet cleaning service to get your carpets much cleaner than if the carpet is loaded with ground-in dirt.
It is a good practice to sprinkle a carpet freshener or baking soda every other time you vacuum. This helps prevent odors such as cigarettes, food, or even body odors from getting into the carpet. Allow the freshener to sit for a few minutes before vacuuming it up for the best results.
Consider adding an area rug to heavily traveled places in your home. The entry and exit points of a home are great places for area rugs, but anywhere where traffic is high would benefit. Plus, the rug can add beauty, elegance and style to the room it's placed in. Best of all, an area rug cleaning session costs significantly less than a full carpet cleaning service.
The only way to keep carpets totally stain-free is to simply avoid bringing anything that stains near the carpet. That's easier said than done. The next best thing is to make sure stains are cleaned up as quickly as possible. The stain could become permanent if you wait too long,. Using cleaning solvent or carpet shampoo, gently dab at the stain. Blot the stain from the outside in, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Do not scrub the carpet. Scrubbing ruins the carpet fibers and grinds the stain deeper into the carpet.
You can save money by using household items for stain removal. Common staples like undiluted vinegar will help remove chocolate; club soda for red wine or coffee; baking soda or salt for wine or mud; and cornstarch for grease stains. For pet stain removal, there are specialized cleaners that also eliminate the scent of the stain. That keeps pets from thinking that the spot of their accident is their permanent potty area. Green carpet cleaners never recommend using dish washing soap. It is very hard to remove from carpets, and it leads to dark spots. If a spot is particularly bad, it's a good idea to call a professional.
The best way to keep a carpet looking its best is to use a professional green carpet cleaning service at least once a year. Twice per year is recommended, especially in high traffic areas. Try to avoid companies that use heavy chemicals or shampoos to get their job done. Even better for a carpet is to use low moisture carpet cleaning from a carpet cleaning.
Carpets are bound to get dirty. However, a little regular effort goes a long way towards keeping them looking nice. After all, a carpet is an investment in a house. Frequent carpet cleaning will keep that investment looking its best for many years to come.
"I'm proud that we do that with each cleaning." -Bryan Angstman, Owner
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